New Release! 'Digging Holes To Another Continent'
I am excited to say that I have a new chapbook released this May, which is now available to preorder from Clare Songbirds Publishing House!
I wanted to give you some early insider information about what inspired me to write 'Digging Holes to Another Continent', which I wrote entirely during my three weeks in New Zealand last Christmas. I've decided to reveal this in pictures...
My book starts with a death; a healing process, which is easier to start somewhere as beautiful as New Zealand. Below, Cathedral Cove, is a beautiful but the waters change quickly - a lifeguard had to pull me out as the shallows turned within seconds on me.

We travelled a 24 hour plane journey for a wedding - like in Shakespeare, where a family death warrants a family wedding to bring joy back into life. It was the only day it rained!

My Christmas day was a mix of culture. People of all colour and religions flocked to the beach - but with no mention of baby Jesus. Clearly the Christians celebrated at home. It was a strange day!

All over the north island are abandoned beaches and coastlines. Nature rules the country in a way which is unique to any other place in the world - it cannot be entirely tamed.

The cover of the book is inspired by the New Zealand landscapes!

I'm really looking forward to sharing this chapbook with you - my first professionally published poetry book, and you can pre order it by clicking on the image below!