HOW TO... Get more engagement and reviews of your book!
When I asked my Twitter followers what they most struggle with, it was how to get more engagement and more reviews of their work. Here's what I have come up with in response!

1. Talk to other writers. If you are genuine, read their work and review it, they will most likely return the favour. If your book is new, then it makes sense to ask more established writers to review or blog about your book (of course you give your book away for free here, so this is a long term investment to getting reviews and engagement!)
2. No one wants to buy your book just because you’ve
asked them to on Twitter and Facebook. It’s a sad fact – if they want it, they will go to the link in your bio/description. How do you get them to do something? Seek a genuine connection with your followers. Ask questions via polls, post about what you are doing that day and support others in their writing endeavours. You can create engagement about your work, by being actively involved in promoting others! (And this makes you a generous person, brownie points).
3. Ask friends and family to add your book to their ‘Want to Read’ list on Goodreads (unfortunately I don’t have family with the app, but you can benefit from this one!) People will see this engagement on their newsfeeds and take an interest.
4. Thank people personally when they do leave a review. These people are worth their weight in gold.
Do you have any further tips for generating engagement and reviews for your book? Let me know in the comments!
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